Mi amigo, Aurelio/My friend, Aurelio

Written by on 13/02/2022 in In Memoriam, Música - No comments
Música. In Memoriam.
Por Manuel Gayol Mecías.

Yo lo esperaba, de un momento a otro. Ya estaba muy delicado de salud, no obstante, cada vez que hablábamos (casi todas las semanas), Aurelio no dejaba de decirme algo jocoso y nos reíamos mucho. No solamente su música, que es grandiosa, su cultura enciclopédica y su interés constante por saber más, por conocer las nuevas cosas que estaban sucediendo en cualquier campo de las humanidades, la ciencia y la tecnología, lo convertían en un hombre excepcional, sino también su trato sensible, sencillo y su agudeza de pensamiento, y que esas características las mostraba con frecuencia en sus conversaciones. Todo ello le hacía ser una persona exquisita, alguien que lograba siempre impregnarlo a uno de admiración, de ánimo y de deseos, incluso en mi caso, de crear. Porque Aurelio no dejaba de interesarse por lo último que uno estaba escribiendo. 

Después que logré hacer y publicar mi querido libro sobre Aurelio de la Vega. Impresiones desde la distancia/ Impressions from Afar, surgió un sentimiento mucho más fuerte en nuestra amistad, y ambos sentimos como si hubiéramos descubierto un nuevo horizonte de humanidad y creación. Fue un regocijo total, pues el libro yo lo escribí y él lo tradujo al inglés, y lo hizo como mejor se puede crear una traducción, de una manera libre, abierta, completamente creativa. Fue una versión libre en la que mis ensayos le sirvieron de inspiración. Y en la medida en que el libro avanzaba, yo me fui sintiendo orgulloso de tanto honor. Y los dos lo revisamos hasta la saciedad, fueron meses de meses compartiendo este libro. Y si de algo estoy satisfecho es de todo esto que digo, de que Aurelio compartió mi libro, lo sintió y lo apoyó.

Sus opiniones, sus criterios, incluso, sobre la actualidad política, sobre la sociedad, a mí me asombraban porque daba la impresión de que una persona como él, de 96 años ya, tuviera el don de la vigencia, de la claridad. Su lucidez se ampliaba también mediante la cultura general que desplegaba en sus conversaciones. Era un exquisito conversador. Fue siempre un admirador de José Martí y de José Lezama Lima, y, desde una perspectiva imaginativa, sabía hablar tanto de pintura —otro de sus grandes amores— como de la literatura, específicamente del sentido creativo de la poesía.

Pero asimismo había algo en él de un enorme atractivo, y era su humildad, su sencillez que sorprendía tanto porque con su físico de apariencia nórdica y su fama de cultura enciclopédica nos podría parecer —a simple vista, claro— lo contrario: un arrogante profesor de una exclusiva disciplina. Sin embargo, yo me maravillaba del candor con que Aurelio le acogía a uno. Tan pronto se empezaba a hablar con él, todo comenzaba a fluir de una manera muy humana, con natural y espontánea belleza de interpretación. Yo siento que me vinculé con él de una manera muy estrecha. Para mí no había un sentir más feliz que cuando Aurelio me llamaba para hablarme de algo mío que se había leído. Realmente, lo sentía como un premio, qué caramba, ¡mucho más que un premio!, podría decir. Era una sensación de humildad y de grandeza al mismo tiempo, una mezcla de sentimientos que uno no puede explicarse mucho. Si hay alguien a quien yo le debo una alta consideración y valoración de mis escritos es a mi entrañable amigo Aurelio de la Vega.





©Manuel Gayol Mecías. All Rights Reserved.


I was expecting it, from one moment to the next. His health was already very delicate, however, every time we talked (every week), Aurelio never failed to tell me something jocular and we laughed a lot. Not only his music, which is great, his encyclopedic culture and his constant interest to know more, to know the new things that were happening in any field of humanities, science, and technology, made him an exceptional man, but also his sensitive, simple manner and his sharpness of thought, and that these characteristics were often shown in his conversations. All this made him an exquisite person, someone who always managed to impregnate one with admiration, encouragement, and the desire, even in my case, to create. Because Aurelio never ceased to be interested in the last thing one was writing.

After I managed to make and publish my beloved book on Aurelio de la Vega. Impresiones desde la distancia/ Impressions from Afar, a much stronger feeling arose in our friendship, and we both felt as if we had discovered a new horizon of humanity and creation. It was a total joy because I authored the book and he translated it into English, and he did it as best a translation can be created, in a free, open, completely creative way. It was a free version in which my essays served him as inspiration. And as the book progressed, I became proud of the honor. And we both revised it ad nauseam, it was months and months sharing this book. And if there is one thing I am satisfied with, it is that Aurelio shared my book, he felt it and supported it.

His opinions, his criteria, even about the current political situation, about society, amazed me because it gave the impression that a person like him, already 96 years old, had the gift of validity, of clarity. His lucidity was also enhanced by the general culture he displayed in his conversations. He was an exquisite conversationalist. He was always an admirer of José Martí and José Lezama Lima, and, from an imaginative perspective, he knew how to talk both about painting -another of his great loves- and about literature, specifically about the creative sense of poetry.

But there was also something enormously attractive about him, and that was his humility, his simplicity, which was so surprising because, with his Nordic-looking physique and his reputation for encyclopedic culture, he might seem to us – at first glance, of course – the opposite: an arrogant professor of an exclusive discipline. However, I marveled at the candor with which Aurelio welcomed one. As soon as you started talking to him, everything began to flow in a very human way, with the natural and spontaneous beauty of interpretation. I feel that I became attached to him in a remarkably close way. For me there was no happier feeling than when Aurelio called me to tell me about something of mine that had been read. It really felt like a prize, what the heck, much more than a prize, I could say. It was a feeling of humility and greatness at the same time, a mixture of feelings that one cannot explain much. If there is someone to whom I owe a high consideration and valuation of my writings, it is my dear friend Aurelio de la Vega.


About the Author

Manuel Gayol Mecías is the Director and Editor of Palabra Abierta (“Open Word”; mu.gayol3@gmail.com), and a Cuban writer and newspaper man. He was a Senior Researcher in the Literature Investigation Center of the Casa de las Américas (Havana, 1979-1989), and was a member of the editorial board of Vivarium magazine, a review published under the tutelage of the Archidiosis of Havana. He has published innumerable critic essays, short stories, novels and poetry in many Cuban and foreign literary reviews and newspapers, and has been the recipient of various prizes in literature, among them the Short Story National Prize of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (UNEAC), 1992, and the Enrique Labrador Ruiz International Short Story Prize of the Círculo de Cultura Panamericano (Pan-American Circle of Culture) of New York, 2004. He worked as editor of Contact Review, from 1994 to 1996. He worked at La Opinión Spanish Newspaper as Editor and Copyeditor (1998 to 2014). At present, he is one of the founders of the Club del Pensamiento Crítico at the Huntington Park Public Library. He is a member of Cuban History Academy in Exile, and a member of Cuban Pen Club in Exile, too, and vice president of Vista Larga Foundation. Published works include "Retable of the Fable" (Poems, Editorial Letras Cubanas, 1989); "Multiple Appraisal of Andre’s Bello" (Compilation, Editorial Casa de las Américas, 1989); "The Jaguar is an Amber Dream" (Short stories, Provincial Center of the Havana Book Editorial, 1990); "Return of the Doubt" (Poems, Vivarium Editions, Archiepiscopal Center of Studies, Havana, 1995); "The Night of the Great Goth" (Short stories, Neo Club Editions, Miami, 2011); "Eyes of Red Goth" (Novel, Neo Club Editions, Miami, 2012); "Marja and the Eye of the Maker" (Novel, Neo Club Editions, Miami, 2013); "Inverse Trip towards the Reign of the Imagery" (Essays, Neo Club Editions, Miami, 2014) and "The Fire’s Artifice" (Short stories, Neo Club Editions, Miami, 2014); "Coincidencias de un editor (o el exorcismo de Joel Merlín)" (Novel, Palabra Abierta/Neo Club Ediciones, Eastvale/Miami, 2015); "La penumbra de Dios (De la Creación, la Libertad y las Revelaciones)" (Essays, Palabra Abierta/Neo Club Ediciones, Eastvale/Miami, 2015); "Las vibraciones de la luz (Ficciones divinas y profanas). Intuiciones II" (Essays, Palabra Abierta Ediciones/ Alexandria Library Publishing House, Eastvale/Miami, 2016).

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